willow film
1. What is my favorite country?
just one?! okay fine - Italy
2. My Favorite show to binge?
A. Park & Rec
B. The Office
C. New Girl
D. Friends
3. Longest I've ever been on a plane?
17 hours - to New Zealand!
4. My Favorite disney movie?
A. Frozen
B. toy story
C. the lion king
D. coco
Hey, i'm Gretchen!
I'm the owner and creator of Willow Film and when I'm not behind the camera, I'm probably watching Netflix with my dogs (Morty & Coco), playing with my baby girl (June), enjoying a glass of wine on the patio, or dreaming up our next vacation. As cliché as it sounds, I truly did grow Willow Film from a lifelong hobby - I was the friend when you were a kid who made you put on ridiculous wigs and play along for the camera to even more ridiculous story lines. Thankfully, I find non-fiction to be a better medium for my films these days.
I was lucky enough to marry my high school sweetheart, Conner, who's the absolute best and was the ultimate supporter when I wanted to start Willow Film! (Sometimes I even let him fly the drone) You may be surprised to hear we didn't hire a Videographer for our own wedding. Today, I'll tell anyone who'll listen not to skimp on photo and video for your big day. But back then, I was so naïve I thought I could film my wedding myself. HA. I cringe thinking about it now - the stress level alone!
Long story short, I had tripods set up to save money, an accident happened - my newest most expensive camera was knocked over and yep....totally broke with no footage to show for it. A measure I took to save money actually ended up costing me.
If I could go back, I'd spend the extra money in a heartbeat. Learn from our cheap ways and splurge a bit - it's worth it.
wanderlust consumes me
what i'm

morty + coco

my love
"If i care for the birds, how much more will i care for you?"
Matthew 6:26
my favorite verse
I made this
video for Conner
for our
first anniversary
hover over the photos
all about
get to know us
Wedding Q&A
Meet Mel
Mel + I have been besties since age 5 when she crawled up to me in a McDonald's play-place and asked if I wanted to be her friend.
(Such a 90's meet cute!) I feel like the luckiest girl that my bestie's hobby is also filming - what are the odds!
Hi, i'm Mel!
When I'm not behind the camera, you can find me snuggling on the couch with my sweet puppies, Harrison and Winston and my baby boy, Ethan! My husband, Steve, and I recently moved back to our hometown after a multi-year stint in Minnesota!
Besides eating ice cream for breakfast, and taking a nap with the dogs, I love facetiming my family who all live out of town
- especially with my 3 year old nephew!
My most valuable piece of wedding day advice that I learned from my own wedding is this: trust your photo/videographers when they want to steal you and your new spouse for golden hour pictures! We were eating dinner at our reception in newlywedded bliss (and maybe having a couple glasses of wine too) when a giant rainstorm hit! Don't worry, our venue was indoors, but afterwards there was gorgeous rainbow and colorful sunset and our photographer wanted to steal us. I hate to say it now, but I didn't understand what the hurry was about - but then I saw the pictures! *swoon*
I can't wait to be there for you on your big day. You can trust me to steer you the right direction.
1. What is my favorite food group?
A. veggies
B. fruits
C. grains
the office - duh!
2. Show I could quote line for line?
3. Which do I prefer?
coffee tea
4. My Favorite meal?
A. mac'n'cheese
B. buffalo chicken salad
C. sushi
D. pizza
honorable mention goes to pizza!